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Jewish live in Völkershausen, near Vacha Germany

The jewish community of Voelkershausen and their Protectorate.

The Parochie Völkershausen about 827 to 874 AC.

The parochial Völkershausen including the villages and farms Wölferbütt, Martinroda, Willmanns, and later on Mariengart are nestled along the total length of the creek Oechse and is inhabited by approx.. 1800 souls.
The area itself belonged  in earlier times to  Can. Tullifeld and was governed by an earl. No information is available on the start of Christianity and the parochie in this area, but one can assume that it started with the building of the monastery in Fulda in the year 744 AC. or there about. In the year 827 AC. Völkershausen was already mentioned as a (catholic) christian settlement. However, the name mentioned at that time was Vnolfricheshuson
 The village Voelkershausen was first mentioned in connection with Eberhard von Völkershausen, as the Herr or Master of Völkershausen,  in the year 1214 . In the year 1706 , the last of the von Völkershausen died and ownership of Völkershausen went to the earl of Hessen- Kassel.
Once, the villages was more heavily populated,  but in the Years 1839 to 1860  a total of 359 persons, including the Israelites  immigrated to North America and Australia.
In the 16th Century the nobility, ruling earls and counts, favored the acceptance of jews, called Schutzjuden in their district since they were allowed to collect a much higher tax rate from jews. Consequently more jews moved into Völkershausen and took possession of homes that fell vacant during
   The 30 Year War  1618 - 1648
 Only 5 jewish families lived in Völkershausen  in  1780, however by 1820 the jewish population had tripled. In the middle of the 19th century, Immigration to America and larger cities in germany began and already 1876 the thought was introduced to close the jewish community in Völkershausen. In 1903 the jewish community of Völkershausen was incorporated with the community in Vacha. The last jewish Family  by the name of Baumgart moved to Vacha in 1913. Therese and Meier Baumgart found their final resting place in the jewish cemetery in Vacha among their ancestors.

 Dark  Bldgs indicate jewish prop. in approx. 1870
Jewish inhabitants in about 1870
    Mosch ( widdow ) 
    Meyer ( widdow ) 
    Mosh, Salomon & Jacob
    Sax, Salomon
    Calmus ( since 1622Meyer ) 
    Vock, Hans
    Michael - Isaac
    Gerson & Eydam
    Mucken , Michel
 The Synagoge in 1984
Build in 1815/16

Jewish live in Stadtlengsfeld

Jewisch Inhabitants Register of 1731

Aron, Philipp           has very little        M
Amsels, Rahel         has nothing          W
Bachachach, Aron  has little                M
Cappel, Marcus       has a few assets   M
Daniel, Abraham     has little                M
Israel, Salomon       has a few assets    M

M = Married  W = Widdowed

Jacob                        has nothing           M
Levi, David              has nothing           M
Liebmann, Rubin    has a few assets     M
Löw, Marcus           has nothing            M
Löw, Sara                 ?                               W
Löser, Mendel         has nothing            M
Meyer, Aron from Gehaus                      M
                                 has nothing
Meyer, Jacob          has realy nothing    M
Moses, Marcus      has not much          M
Michel                      has a little                M
Moses, Aron           has a little                M
Moses, Salomon     has a few assets      M
Mosis, Sara              has little                   W
Mendels, Jütgen     has nothing              W
Mängen, Salomon  has nothing              M
Itzig, Abraham         has nothing        M
Itzig Moses.             has nothing        M
Itzig, Mendel            has nothing        M
Itzig, Mendel            has nothing        M
Itzig, Marcus            has nothing        M
Itzig, Sander             has nothing        M
Itzig, Selig                has nothing         M
Seligmanns, Sprints   has nothing     W
The jewish population of Stadtlengsfeld in the year 1744 according to the Jewish Protection Tax List.
Coppel, Marx
Choyum, Levi
Chlom, Seligmann
Hoym, Salomon
Hoym, Götzschlich
Heilbronn, Leib
Hirschel, Jonas
Hirschel, Jonat
Itzig, Abraham
Itzig, Sander 
Israel, Salomon
Liebmann, Rubin
Lippmann, Jacob
Meyer, Aaron
Meyer, Abraham Latus
Meyer, Jacob
Meyer, Salomon
Moyses, Salomon
Moyses, Itzig
Moyses, Marx
Moyses Aaron
Menk, Salomon
Sander, Isac
Seligmann, Jacob

A lot of information about the jewish past vanished in a fire of the city hall in Stadtlengsfeld in the year 1878 that destroyed most records. Findings indicate that jewish live existed in the area already in the 13th century. In 1956 a house had to be demolished that showed the year 1201 in its gable and indications were that it was used to celebrate the yearly Laubhüttenfest (Sukko ) 

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Jewish live in  Vacha

8Under construction